Largest Yellow Star discovered, 1300 times bigger than the sun

The largest yellow star ever observed in our galaxy has been discovered.
An international team of astronomers found the yellow hypergiant star 12-thousand light years away from Earth.
The yellow star,... the HR 5171 A,... is 13-hundred times the diameter of the Sun,... and one million times brighter.
One of the astronomers said their observations show that the star has a binary partner... and the two stars are so close that the system resembles a "gigantic peanut."
The team used the European Southern Observatory in Chile's Very Large Telescope Interferometer to make the observations.
The yellow star is now among the ten largest stars ever discovered,... and astronomers estimate that it is 50-percent larger than the famous red supergiant Betelguese.
The findings will be published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.


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